21 Oct Myth Buster of Digital Marketing
Think you know everything there is to know about digital marketing? Think again. In this article I will debunk three of the biggest digital marketing myths! Over the next few weeks I will be creating content all about digital marketing and its different parts, trying to help marketing managers with their jobs in a day to day setting. Today I am busting myths.
1. Tech is the be all and end all.
There is some cracking tech out there and it really changes the way marketers work, however even the best tech cannot give a guarantee of success all the time (look at blackberry for a good example). So when you are planning your digital campaigns you will need to consider digital and automated channels, just make sure you are not relying on it. Try not to jump straight in with a closed vision of focusing on the lowest cost and most time saved (you get what you pay for). Make sure not to forget the main focus on actually marketing the product or service and use the tools as they are… tools. These amazing new world style, real-time bidding and automated planning tools need to be used but not relied on. People need to think about how it is going to be perceived from a consumers point of view. Each strategy still needs to be meticulously planned, thought through and based on previous results all stirred in with some gut instinct. It’s a manual process and the tools are getting better.
2. Long live email marketing
Sure, who opens email? It doesn’t have any effect or impact. Engagement is through the floor and ROI, go whistle dixy. Well that is what I have been told and it is downright wrong. It is no different to any other channel, there are certain KPI’s to be met and these are based on the overall objectives. As a part of the overall strategy it is very effective, especially with such a wide reach and the relativity in the cost department (compared to offline channels like direct mail, for example).
We use email as a gentle way of reminding people of our company without forcing it down people’s throats. We make sure that we are providing our subscribers with loads of value through informative content. We do scatter great offers throughout however, it is not the main subject. Doing this has led to emails getting a bad record and businesses forgetting about using them when they could be used as an amazing part of their overall mix.
3. Social media is not for B2B brands
Again this is a little silly to think. Who do you think runs other businesses? Other people. It is people to people marketing and it is these people that you need to reach. By replicating your offline networking efforts online, you can be highly effective as these people are building meaningful relationships with you and this will lead to better business being done. Why do we use Twitter? It gives us a huge opportunity to communicate with the masses and said masses are not necessarily consumers. With a billion tweets sent every 2 days, every single one of these are seen by a customer of someone. Try to ‘connect with influencer’s’ who will increase your brands reach and ‘break down the barriers’ between you and the consumer. Jump in and get involved, start discussions with them, get to know them and what makes them tick. This will lead to them doing the same with you. Having a lunch meeting with a potential client is one way to do it but what if the suggestion came from an advocate who told them about the benefits of you and your business which they had seen on a social network.
So as you see not all things said about digital marketing are true and there are some funky myths out there. Tweet me and tell me what ones you have found.
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